FREE for at least 2025 (while in beta):
Sales-boosting, fast checkout for solo course creators & coaches (1-10 teammates*)
* Perfect for when your team consists of you, your dog, and that mango you swear helps with productivity...
This tool — CartMango — will eventually replace ThriveCart, SamCart, SendOwl, and Gumroad.
We plan to release beta in Jan 2025. We just released beta. Grab a spot below.

When shouldn't you use CartMango?
You shouldn’t use CartMango if you wanna:
- Sell recurring / subscription offers NOW (because this feature won't be immediately available when we release beta... but it will be eventually)
- Create upsells NOW (because this feature won't be immediately available when we release beta... but it will be eventually)
- Connect with other apps NOW other than Stripe, PayPal, Kit (previously ConvertKit), and BirdSend (because more native apps integration won't be immediately available when we release beta... but we'll add more integrations eventually)
- Create an affiliate program NOW (because this feature won't be immediately available when we release beta... but it will be eventually)
On the other hand, here's 10 reasons why you might wanna give CartMango a try:
1/ We take 0% commissions (more $ for you)

Pricing for beta is totally free. No commissions or transaction fees. No recurring fees. No fees of any kind.
The only fee is Stripe and / or PayPal processing fees which you pay directly to them. We're not magicians, we can't make those disappear. But hey at least we're not adding our own "special sauce" of fees on top.
Even after beta, our pricing will be based on a flat fee regardless of how much revenue you made.
And the pricing will be affordable — as has always been with our other software (e.g. BirdSend email service provider).
2/ No waiting for payout (faster cash in your account)
Because waiting for your money is so last decade.
Your funds go directly to your Stripe and / or PayPal account. We don’t hold 'em hostage.
You don’t have to wait weekly or monthly to receive your funds. You also don’t need a minimum balance for $ to be cashed out. We aren't scammers lol.
3/ Specifically built for course creators & coaches who run a solo biz or a small team of less than 10 (fast setup)
That’s why we can streamline the app since we only focus on the use cases of this specific group of folks.
Only sell physical products (ecom)? CartMango will be your worst nightmare. Kinda like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole... if the peg was a shipping container and the hole was your computer screen.

Have hundreds of items in your online store? We’re not a good fit. Do you wanna park a jet in your garage? Sure you could try... but why make life hard for yourself?
4/ No requiring people to login before they can buy (boosts your sales conversions)

In this day & age where folks want “instant everything”, having extra steps like this is flushing a lotta sales (& revenue) down the drain.
Have you heard of the $300M button story?
A major retailer required people to sign up for an account to buy things.
Many shoppers didn't like this extra step & left without buying.
The store changed the "Register" button to say "Continue" instead, so people could check out as guests.
This 1 small change led to:
- 45% more people finishing their purchases
- $15 million more in the first month alone
- $300 million more that same year
By simply removing unnecessary steps, you can turn abandoned carts into sales. You can Google about this if you wanna find out more.
CartMango does NOT require your customers to create an account or login before buying. Because life's too short for password resets.
They can simply enter their email address to buy your offer.
5/ Customers can choose how they wanna pay (boosts your sales)

Limited payment options can result in lost sales.
Customers prefer convenience & flexibility.
Some prefer to pay by credit card. While others prefer PayPal.
Do you wanna host a party & only serve kale smoothies? Yes some health nuts might stick around, but you're gonna lose a lot of chip-dippers.
Spokeo — an app for searching people — ran an A/B test to see how offering PayPal affected conversions.
The results:
- 20% boost in conversion rates in the 1st week
- After rolling it out site-wide, PayPal made up 35% of sales
- And brought in 14% more new customers
The takeaway?
Boost conversions by offering both credit card & PayPal.
So customers can choose the payment method they’re comfortable with.
More ways to pay = more ways to win customers over.
At the click of a button, CartMango allows you to take payments via Stripe and / or PayPal.
6/ Why not just use Stripe or PayPal directly?

Because a cart / checkout tool comes loaded with money-making capabilities like:
A/ Order bumps
Tack on extra offers during checkout for a quick revenue boost..
B/ Seamless email / CRM integration
Automatically add customers to your email list post-purchase. Nurture those relationships for repeat sales..
C/ Multiple payment options
Plastic or PayPal...
Give your peeps the freedom to pay their way.
Flexibility = more sales..
Yes there's a small fee for using a cart / checkout tool (in the future for CartMango — for now it’s free).
But the rewards far outweigh the tiny cost.
Cumulatively over the years… I wouldn’t be surprised with ROI in the thousands of percent.
7/ No lost revenue due to your digital products being stolen

Even though we believe in karma, we believe in good security more.
If you sell downloadable / digital products, secure your downloads.
Yes we can’t 100% prevent people from stealing our products.
There’ll always be bad eggs freely sharing them privately or publicly on underground blackhat marketplaces…
Or even group-buying our products.
But we can at least do something low-effort on our side to reduce this.
1 low-effort way is to hand over the "making sure only the rightful person can access our product” process to our checkout/cart tool.
If a customer shares the “access link” with their partners in crime, ask for a one-time passcode (OTP) before allowing access.
CartMango has this security mechanism out of the box. No setup required.
8/ No need to ask unnecessary info from customers (boosts sales conversions)
Because we're not your nosy aunt at Thanksgiving dinner. We don't need to know your entire life story just to sell you something.
A Baymard Institute study found 22% of online shoppers have abandoned an order just because of:
— A too long / complicated checkout process
What does this mean?
It means you can boost sales conversion on your checkout page by only asking the most necessary info from customers.
This will reduce the # of people abandoning their purchase.
- The more steps you ask people to take
- The more likely they are to drop out or give up
If your target audience only sells intangible / digital / downloadable offers…
And your country doesn’t require the customer’s physical address for legal purposes…
Then there’s no need to ask for it.
CartMango only asks for their name & email address — and they can instantly buy.
Should you need their physical address though… CartMango allows you to do it in just 1-click.
9/ We make decisions based on the interests of our customers, not investors
We’re a boostrapped company with no outside founding.
Companies that take on external founding focus on getting their shareholders a quick & fat ROI.
And to achieve that, many focus on a “grow at all costs” mindset — often resulting in great marketing campaigns but sub-par product & customer experience.
Our core marketing strategy is relying on word-of-mouth. And to get word-of-mouth referrals, we need to build a great product / tool — otherwise nobody in their right mind is gonna recommend us.
You don't wanna set up your friend on a blind date with a squirrel right? They're not exactly "meet the parents" material.
10/ We’re a small team like you (we understand your needs, hopefully)
CartMango is for solopreneurs or a small team of less than 10 teammates.
We resonate strongly with these biznesses because we’re also a small team (7 teammates).
We understand how micro biznesses are run & their pain points.
Which is why we build CartMango to solve course creators’ problems of:
- Maximizing revenue (with the various revenue-boosting features)
- Delivering a great experience for their customers (automatic & easy product fulfillment post-purchase) so customers keep coming back
- With a hands-free approach (thanks to the fast setup & automation capabilities)
- At an affordable price
This is something big companies will never understand, let alone empathize with.

We're more like that quirky neighbor who always has the right tool for the job. Except our tool is software (and we promise not to borrow your lawnmower & never return it).
11/ (Bonus) Get useful support from humans (not emotionless AI bots...)
That start the convo by repeating what you said: "I understand that [insert what you said]."
I was browsing X & and saw this:
(click pic to zoom in)
This guy just wanted to cancel some of his licenses. 30 mins in & he's still not done. The AI bot kept saying "I understand" but then kept on trying to change his mind.
At CartMango, we don't use AI bots for customer service. When you contact us, you'll get a human right from the start. No "qualifying" you first to assess if you deserve human help or not.
Not because our customer support tool can't do AI -- we just chose not to turn that feature on.
Unlike AI bots that keep saying "I understand" while clearly not understanding (like a toddler pretending to know quantum physics), our humans actually get it -- and if they don't, they'll admit it without crashing their system.
Why is this free?
For now, it’s totally free while we’re in beta.
Even after beta ends:
- There'll be 0% commissions
- We only charge on a monthly basis — and don’t worry the fees won’t be hefty like other similar tools. We can make it affordable because we don’t plan to take on funding. We worry more about building a great product + providing you with a great experience than making investors rich lol
Because this is beta, there'll be more bugs than normal. Think of it as a virtual safari. You might spot some dinosaurs, but that's part of the adventure. Just don't bring them home as pets.
To compensate for this, we’re making CartMango free to use.

Another (selfish) reason is we wanna get more folks using the tool so we can get their feedback to make CartMango even better.
After beta, it won’t be free but it will be affordable like our other software (e.g. BirdSend email service provider). And obviously, beta users will get better deals than non-beta users.
Why should I trust CartMango?
You shouldn’t.
For now anyways.
(don't lend us your lawnmower... yet)
That’s why we’re making it free for you to give it a try & see for yourself how bad / good CartMango is.
To give you context on building software, we’ve been building software since 2011. I think that's a bit longer than most people keep their New Year's resolutions, aye?
[2011 - 2013] Created Profits Theme Wordpress plugin — the 2nd plugin of its kind ever for building landing pages.
[2013 - 2017] Built Zaxaa cart, processing $171+ million in revenue.
[2018 - now] Developed BirdSend email service provider for coaches & course creators, sending 2.1+ billion emails
[2024 - now] CartMango. You can think of this as Zaxaa v2.
Want a free beta spot?
If you wanna have a say in what you wanna see in CartMango...
Click here to sign up for a free beta account (but only if you want, not forcing ya).
~ Welly Mulia
Founder, CartMango & BirdSend email service provider
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